Saturday, September 8, 2007

im in ur body, ragin' ur feverz!

One random college dude at BBY today smelled exactly like Matt. No one has before, stranger or friend, and it was the weirdest feeling ever.

I bought two pairs of shoes and a purse. Next paycheck it's two tattoos [feetz!] and a spending spree on thinkgeek. After that, David gets 50% at SGH the first week of October and I'm totally fucking buying Prada sunglasses. Fuck you! I've been sick for a week and the antibiotics my doctor sent out actually gave me a second infection. It's making me miserable and sending me on a mad quest to find things to do. Or buy.

I almost started crying at work today because my body felt so broken and things were just short-circuiting. I haven't been to school in a week because I'm afraid I'm going to overheat and pass out... my body is just so vulnerable, no matter how much water I drink or how much I eat. I'm panicking--I don't want to make the same old attendance mistakes so early. I think it's because it feels so much like summer still, and I haven't been to school in so long; my brain is having serious trouble adjusting, in terms of how brightly the "responsibility" light flashes in my head when my alarm goes off in the mornings.

I think I can actually go out for residency in Arizona, which would drop my tuition from $18,000 to $6,000. Not only would I not need student loans, I wouldn't have to dip into the savings that I have with my parents. I could buy a DSLR and a new laptop and myyyyy handgun. I have to check around with howthefuck car insurance works here and how much it'd be.. so my mom sent me my driving record.

Please explain my 3 tickets for a mere 5 over, every time... O WAIT, THX LAWYR!


The Lawyer said...

I've had that before where you smell someone. I was in Florida once and was like, "Jay?" looking around all stupid to who made me feel so man bizarre and conflicting things (comfort, hatred...) You will be amazing!

Anonymous said...

A handgun? Seriously, why? Just be a bad-ass and get a rifle.

If I can find some way out there, I'll do it. I'm just making no kind of money right now, whatsoever. I went to a Best Buy job fair out here and did all three interviews. I tought I killed it until I never got a call back, the first two interviews went so well. Those managers were actually really excited to talk to me, I don't know what happened.