Tuesday, September 18, 2007

my life is sort of a mess. what's new.

I'm flying home tomorrow, for three days. I told my mom on the phone (while switching my car insurance to Geico... so I can get residency out here...) that I'm uncomfortable going to school right now. That sitting on campus, alone, in between my classes is making me depressed. I can feel myself skipping classes again because I just don't give a shit, and I don't want to waste money and fail out. I'd rather only spend $9,000 on one semester instead of $18,000 on half a year.. and by next fall I'll have residency and feel a lot better about life.

My mother graciously reacted by telling me she thinks the only solution is to move home. I told her to piss off.

My dad attempted to listen a little better and suggested one of them fly out here to talk about it. Faced with the prospect of solely my mother again, I opted instead to fly home. They want me to go see a therapist, or a "neutral", to make sure we don't make a rash decision. Whatever, I get a free flight home. I know what I want, and if they want to hear it from someone else too, that's fine. I just need a chance to adjust and I'm not getting it and I'm panicking. Whatever makes it better, right?

The rest of life is pretty good. I think. Yeah. I need more friends. AJ and I were gonna get tattoos later today, but my impromptu flight home delayed it. When I get back we're making an appointment and he's getting a shoulder piece and I'm getting my mitten. Yezz.

On that note, a giant sorting grid for DVDs that we made when we were GOing.


Jamus said...

Of course your life is a mess; you just moved clear across the country. However, I don't think it's such a mess to where your mother needs to jump in and say you should move home. That's crazy talk. You won't have these opportunities later on in life. I'm sorry to hear that sitting on campus alone between classes is depressing you, because when I was going to school I absolutely cherished that time. If you're going to be home for a few days, you should tell me what those days are so we can hang out, if only for a little bit. I've kind of got a beard again, so we should totally rent an office and I can be the shrink...oh what craziness would ensue...hehe. I hope everything else is going well. Talk to you soon.


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